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Founding of China-Canada Center of Research for Digestive Diseases

The inaugural ceremony of China-Canada Center of Researchfor Digestive Diseases

was held on April 10th in our university. This research center is co-founded by Digestive Diseases research center of our university, Department of Biochemistry, Immunology andMicrobiology of University of Ottawa in Canada and Digestive Diseases research center of Guangzhou T.C.M university.

On the inaugural ceremony, President Xu Jian-guang of our university and Vice President Liu Xiao-hong of Guangzhou T.C.M university and Professor Daniel Figeys of Department of Biochemistry, Immunology and Microbiology of University of Ottawa in Canada delivered speeches separately. Vice President Ji Guang and Liu Xiao-hong of our university and Professor Daniel Figeyssigned a memorandum of academic cooperation. The Consulate General of the Canadian Consulate in Shanghai as well as trade commissionerA.Majid Dellah attended the ceremony and joined in the launching ceremony along with Vice President Shi Jian-rong of our university.

This researchcenter is aimed at establishinga research platform which utilizes modern technology and methods from home and abroad, and conducting researches on metabolism and digestive diseases. It is expected togive impetus to T.C.M modernization with the international cooperation in scientific research, and toenhance the international influence of T.C.M.
