School WRSA held the second academic Salon of 2014
The school WRSA held the second academic salon of 2014 on November 3, hosted by the school WRSA president Liu Ping. Liang Shuang and Hong yanlong, Research Associates of Modern Chinese medicine preparation, Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center, respectively made academic report.
Liang Shuang gave a speech entitled "American herbal and dietary supplements R & D Status".
He described University of Mississippi、 the National Center for Natural Products’ Development profiles and contributions in the study of natural products and compared our level of research and international counterparts in terms of natural products that our country is leading in the chemistry of natural products, while international counterparts in terms of efficacy and mechanism of an advantage. Dr. Leung also presented for approval before the US R & D Status and herbal dietary supplements.
Hongyan Long made a wonderful speech on the development of Chinese medicine in Singapore. According to population, language, culture, geographical location and climatic characteristics, He analyzed the development of Chinese medicine in Singapore, regulations of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine regulatory similarities and differences between Singapore and the Singapore TCM practitioner’s clinical development. (School WRSA)
More highlights & notices
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- Silk Road scholarship to fund foreign students
- 2013-2014 Annual Student Scholarship Awards Ceremony and Cultural Festival
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